Nikola Tesla is undoubtedly the greatest inventor in the history of electrical engineering, and what makes him especially fascinating was his unusual mental control of creative visions. Regarding presented Tesla’s extraordinary creative experiences in his altered states of consciousness (categorized in his time as nonphysical phenomena) – Tesla’s conviction "when we start to study nonphysical phenomena, we will progress more in ten years than we have for centuries" then becomes clearer. In this context, it seems that Tesla's legacy for the new millennium is introspective evidence of his transpersonal creative communications, with fascinating possibility of his meditative eidetic control & increase of macroscopic quantum correlations with the quantum-holographic primal source of collective consciousness. In this lecture, it will be pointed out that they could serve as an extraordinary case study for understanding biophysical basis of both transpersonal psychology & control of creative processes, based on subtle interplay of normal & transitional & altered states of consciousness in meditation & sleep, which may help in developing future strategies for education. These insights could also provide deeper understanding of Hopfield-like neural-networks quantum-holographic framework for quantum-informational transpersonal psychosomatics, based on decrease of quantum entropy & macroscopic quantum correlations of acupuncture system / individual consciousness & collective consciousness, which may help in developing future strategies for integrative medicine & transpersonal psychology. In wider context, Tesla’s whole research & life could also provide an inspiration for reconsideration of global educational / informational / political goals – with reorientation towards holistic gentle actions for solutions of the global risk society.

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