Looking Through the Eyes of a Child

An Experiment in the History of the 11th Century

  • Elizabetha Levin, Dr


The paper will survey three biographies of the historical key figures (a pope, an emperor and a philosopher) by unfolding them as "heir-story" – a story as it could be perceived through the eyes of a child. In the light of these stories illustrating the typical neglect of childhood and disrespectful treatment of children in the XI century, we will discover a new, in-depth understanding of "their-story" – the history of cruelty and ruthlessness that reigned in a coarse society of those years. Comparing the 11th century with our days, we will discover why the lessons of that period are important to us today.

Nov 21, 2022
How to Cite
LEVIN, Elizabetha. Looking Through the Eyes of a Child. International Journal of Prenatal and Life Sciences DOI:10.24946/IJPLS, [S.l.], p. 22, nov. 2022. ISSN 2945-011X. Available at: <https://www.journalprenatalife.com/index.php/prenatal/article/view/84>. Date accessed: 12 oct. 2024.