What we Publish
The International Journal of Prenatal & Life Sciences accepts manuscripts for consideration with the understanding that they represent original material not previously published (except in abstract form) or submitted for publication elsewhere and which can add value to the understanding of the prenatal and life dynamics of our human experience.
Authors come from the Academic, Research and Professional Communities (e.g. health and research scientists, lecturers, practitioners etc) interested mainly in –but not restricted to- the fields of Prenatal Psychology (the journal’s niche), Psychology, Embryology, Biomechanics, Health, Midwifery, Salutogenesis, Ecology, Genetics, Complexity, Anthropology, Sociology, Ethics, Philosophy or Pedagogy/Education. That is, authors come from the wider field of the Prenatal Sciences.
Apart from research studies, the journal IJPLS welcomes reviews, critiques of studies and findings, case reports, summaries and opinions after due peer review, as well as book/film reviews. Special Supplements are also announced and calls for papers are made for interested authors.
Furthermore, we welcome submissions of Digital Academic Books that can take the form of
Monographs or Edited Collections as well as Dissertations from PhD and MSC researchers.
Due to the technology tools now available, we also encourage video abstracts or video-presentations of the main findings or discussion points of the research work of authors/ scientists/ researchers or other members of the academia promoting knowledge and improving the quality of life of people. Summations of the scientific writings in lay language are also within our interests.